
The recommended Growth Model for your brand is…

Content and outreach – Upgrade – Email – Referrals

For you, I’d recommend a paid ad funnel that leads to a VSL which pushes for the sale. Emails re-engage abandoners and help identify users who will share their experience with your offer on social.


You have a high-cost offer which means this is not going to be easy to get people to purchase right away.

Rather than run ads about “buy now”, direct users to a useful resource or training that helps them solve the problem.

I’ve had success in driving people for offers up to $5000 to a VSL.

VSL (Video sales letter)

A VSL is basically a sales promotion in video form. You should use your video to both show the offer in action, remove objections, and build trust.

To watch the VSL, ask for an email address. At the end, ask for a purchase.

If they don’t purchase now, you have their email to continue to nurture the relationship and push for the sale later.


You’ll have 2 email sequences here.

1 for those who didn’t purchase which nurtures the relationship and helps direct people back to make a purchase.

A second to help those who did purchase to get the most value so you can get them to share their experience with the offer.

Social share

Once you’ve built trust and know the user has seen the value in your offer, ask them to share their experience and/or opinions (if they like it) on social media to expand reach.

If you’re not sure how to set this kind of funnel up and want a little help, let me know.

I’ve set up my own VSL funnels and helped dozens of clients do the same to scale their sales.

If you’d like a little help and assistance in setting this up, check out my consultation offers below.

Check out our consultation offers now.