
Read this page if you want to stay subscribed

Seriously, I’m about to unsub you from the list.

If you want to stay subscribed, please put your best email in the below opt-in box.

And if you want to know why I’m doing this, there’s some info below.


Pete here.

So you’re seeing this page because you clicked on a “Secret link” in one of my emails.

I hide links in the emails to help me clean the list. Here’s what I mean.

I have thousands of people on the list. Some of those people use their company email, and we have hundreds of people using emails from brands like McKinsey, Blackrock etc.

These brands have email security which clicks on EVERY link within an email. For example, here’s the stats from the “social follow” icons on some recent emails I sent.

Weird how almost the exact same number of people went to the bottom of my email and clicked on 3 different social channels, right?

My guess is, that there are 344 people on this send who have automated click security.

Here’s the thing.

I don’t know if these people are engaged, or if the security system is simply clicking every link.

Or, if the security is clicking the links AND the end user is engaged.

It’s hard to optimise when you don’t know what’s real and what’s not.

And so I built this little system to help me clean this list.

If you are seeing this, then you’ve somehow found the hidden link and clicked it.

If you don’t re-enter your email address in the box below, you will be removed from the list within the next few days.

So, if you like my emails and want to stay hearing from me, please enter your best email in the box which will stop the removal process.
