Turn your knowledge into a $1 offer that adds 12+ buyers to your business every day on autopilot

30-day challenge

Copy the method to launch profitable new products and generate high-value leads whilst making a profit – even if you don’t have an existing audience.

Initial revenue within 4 days of launch on a brand new product to a cold audience

Here’s why you should join…

  • Learn how to consistently implement the system that’s at the heart of 90% of business success so you can launch new offers and generate revenue whenever you want
  • Get access to our premium community for support, assistance, and new ideas to launch more products successfully in the future
  • Follow along and in 30 days, you should have a revenue-driving offer and system that could be adding thousands to your income

Challenge yourself to set up your own revenue stream today

How to generate hundreds of leads AND get paid for it by selling $1 products

It took me 2 days to create a brand-new product and set up a simple sales funnel. 

And then another 4 days of simple, 20-minute-a-day promotions to sell $319 worth of products. 

This then led to other engagements which totalled $4069. All of which were closed within 10 days of launching this new offer.  

Sound too good to be true?

That’s because it is and this is kind of a lie.

It actually took me 10 years of running online businesses to be able to do this. 

10 years where I helped clients make millions of dollars through growth strategy and copywriting. 

10 years where I grew my own income to $25,000 /month and then lost it all pursuing (and failing) to build something bigger.  

My ability to do these things is simply down to me trying a lot – and failing at most of them – over ~10 years. 

I can’t give you all of the hard-won lessons I learned over those 10 years.

What I can do, however, is outline the system I’ve discovered that’s at the heart of 99% of online businesses and their growth. 

A system anyone can learn, and implement in their business to generate sales even if they don’t have a large audience to sell to.

If you understand this system, you can replicate it and use it to grow any business that uses digital channels to reach their customers. 

The simple growth model behind every online business’s success

In my ~10 years of online growth I’ve helped scale software companies, information product brands, newsletter businesses, service companies, and ecommerce offers.  

I’ve run Facebook ads, Google search and Display ads, native ads, YouTube ads. I’ve written blog posts, VSL scripts, sales pages, and email sequences. I’ve created SEO and content marketing strategies, hired influencers, implemented referral campaigns and affiliate programs and more.  

I’ve done this across brands from personal injury lawyers and supplement brands, to VC-backed SaaS companies and Web3 offers – do you want to know the little secret of success across all of these brands? 

It’s not that they have better ads, or superior content.  

It’s not that they have an existing audience or money to burn. These things can help, but they’re not the cause of success. 

I’ve seen people with no audience, who you’ve never heard of, and who have little money to burn make millions of dollars.  

How do they all do it? 

When you break down their success, they’re all built around one simple model for growth. 

I call it the ACCER model.  

Here’s how it breaks down. 

Every brand I’ve worked with or analysed has some form of ACCER in play to drive growth. Here’s how I explain ACCER to people.  

  • Attract – One specific channel to build awareness and attract the right kind of people to your offer
  • Capture – Few people are ready to buy right now, so you need a mechanic to capture contact details that allow you to follow up with leads
  • Convert – An asset built with the sole purpose of selling a specific product to a specific audience
  • Engage – Your best customers buy from you time and time again. You need a system in place to keep them engaged and getting value from what you offer
  • Refer – You are one person/brand. To scale, you want to turn as many happy customers into advocates and promoters for you to attract more people.  

All of these elements have to build into a single organism. A simple, easy-to-navigate, coherent system.  

Don’t believe me? 

Then check this out.  

Noom – A $500MM SaaS company

  • Attract – FB ads
  • Capture – Email capture for feedback on their weight loss questionnaire
  • Convert – Sales page with future pacing results
  • Engage – in-app support and messaging
  • Refer – Affiliate program and word-of-mouth incentivisation

Justin Welsh – 7-figure solopreneur

  • Attract – Social media posts
  • Capture – Lead magnet content upgrades/templates
  • Convert – Sales page for his follower growth course
  • Engage – Newsletter and membership for updated templates
  • Refer – Social engagement from fans to increase reach

The Agora – A $1B Newsletter company

  • Attract – Native ads
  • Capture – request a report or more info on a sales page
  • Convert – Sales page and VSL combo
  • Engage – Frequent newsletter
  • Refer – Working with other publishers in the space for referrals

HubSpot – A $1B SaaS company 

  • Attract – Content marketing and SEO
  • Capture – Content upgrades
  • Convert – Email sequences to sales pages
  • Engage – In-app help to get better results
  • Refer – Affiliate and agency partnerships as well as “linkable” content

GoPro – A 9-figure physical product offer

  • Attract – Video ads
  • Capture – Join email list for discount
  • Convert – Product sales pages
  • Engage – Emails and materials to help use the product effectively
  • Refer – People sharing GoPro videos online act as advertisements (UGC)

I could keep going and going on this. 

I’ve built ACCER models for dozens of brands that have driven millions in revenue. 

I’ve analysed hundreds more responsible for billions. 

The ACCER model is at the core of the small solopreneur making $100,000 / year as well as the $1B multi-national.  

When you know exactly how to build one of these yourself, you’ll be able to spin up new offers and sell them for a profit in just a few days every single time. 

Making money online becomes more predictable and a safer bet than having to rely on clients or an employer.  

In fact, in my experience when you build your own offers and sell them through ACCER, you end up with more clients and employment offers than you know what to do with. 

When I spun up a course on becoming a better freelancer and scaled it to ~$6000 / month in revenue I had big brands like HubSpot reach out to me to work with them.  

When I created a premium newsletter analysing ACCER models of big brands and grew it to a few thousand dollars in MRR with 2 months, I landed several clients at $8000 / month and had one offer to head up growth for a business doing $7MM / year.  

Every week I’d open up 10 “free consultation” spots which were essentially discovery and sales calls that turned leads into paying clients.

Every week they would fill up like clockwork without me having to do any other work.

But you know what the best thing about all of this was? 

I didn’t have to take the work if I didn’t want it. 

I had 10 people book calls every week seeking my help on autopilot and I was always booked up by 4 weeks in advance.

I only ended up working with maybe 1 or 2 every month because they had projects (and budgets) that excited me. 

I wasn’t reliant on client work because I had my own revenue streams. I could pick and choose who I worked with and not have to sacrifice anything in my personal life.

This is the power of understanding this model.  

When you can build ACCER models on demand, you’ll never be short of revenue or leads.

The $1 ACCER model that’s changed the way I work (for the better)

They say making your first million is the hardest.  

Personally, I think making that first $1 – $1000 online is the real hurdle.

So many people out there never try to make money oline because they convince themselves they can’t do it.  

They look at everyone telling them how hard it all is and think “I could never do that” so they play it safe and go and get a job.  

Which they inevitably regret. 

That initial sale of $1, and hitting that first milestone of $1000 is proves viability and ability. It;’s the sale that brings hope. 

Once you hit these numbers, you’ll never look at making money the same way again. 

You’ll start to see all the possible ways you can make money online on your own terms and without having to give 90%+ away to your employer or investors. 

And there is no better feeling than going to bed at night and waking up to a phone full of notifications like the below.  

These notifications are like a drug.  

Once you start seeing them, you simply can’t stop chasing the next.  

I’ve run all sorts of marketing models and campaigns in the past. 

  • Content > book a call > sell a $5000 / month consulting gig
  • Ads > email capture > email sequence > book a call > sell consulting
  • Direct outreach > book a call > sell consulting
  • Referrals > book a call > sell consulting

I’ve had some success with each of the above.  

But the one that’s smashed the others in terms of speed to implementation, speed of results, and overall potential is the $1 ACCER model.  

It works so well because of a few things. 

The $1 offer is so low risk that more people buy. The conversion rates for this are 10X higher than the normal approaches to lead gen. 

The leads you get are “givers” and not “takers”. They’ve already opened their wallets which shows you they’re serious buyers and not timewasters.  

The system starts to work on its own after a while which brings you a constant stream of new leads that are always high-intent and more likely to buy.  

In the 4-day launch of my own I not only generated $319 of sales direct from the initial system, I also…

  • Added 21 new leads to my email list – lead who are willing to pay for good products (that’s just over 5 paying leads per day)
  • Booked calls with 4 of those leads which could return into consulting work (1 converted within a week for a small advisory engagement of $1250 / month for 3 months)
  • Am now able to nurture those other 20 relationships for potential greater revenue potential down the line
Only the highlighted red payment was as a result of this offer – the other stuff is from other offers I run

All told, I have secured $4069 in confirmed engagements within 10 days after a 4-day promotion. 

Imagine what would have happened had I run the whole promotion for the full month!

Here’s the best bit though. 

This success didn’t rely on…

  • My email list
  • My reputation
  • My existing contacts

This was all from simple promotions that took 20 minutes per day to people I didn’t know.  

Which is a fancy way of saying, anyone can do this.  

I’m building this into a challenge that you can follow along with. But I’m also offering something more…

Join today and you get instant access to the Growth Models Plus Community.

Join the $1 challenge today and start attracting high intent leads

Over the years I’ve launched maybe a dozen of my own products online.  

Some have worked, others haven’t. 

The $1 challenge is the culmination of everything I’ve tried over ~10 years in this game.  

It’s the only system that has always made a profit.  

It requires no real investment up front, and can start cashflowing as quickly as 3-4 days in if you’re fast.  

By joining the challenge, you’ll get…

  • A detailed breakdown of the secret system you can use to convert cold traffic into multi-thousand dollar engagements on demand
  • Fill-in-the-blank templates that make creating your key assets and marketing your new offer simple
  • Tool recommendations to get the maximum value from each lead who enters this ACCER model WITHOUT having to spend a fortune on software
  • Access to a community of others growing their businesses for support and feedback on your offers
  • Expert help from people who have done this before so you never get stuck and get the best results from your efforts

Here’s everything you’ll receive by joining the Challenge today

By signing up today, you not only get the challenge that could have you adding thousands of dollars in revenue to your business within 30 days, you get instant access to a growing community of other entrepreneurs.

That includes…

The $1 Product challenge

Learn the exact system I use to launch profitable products in record time without any financial outlay.

Everything including the system, templates, and tool recommendations are included for you so you can focus on getting the work done.

Dozens of templates and swipes for inspiration and fast implementation

Worried about what to create Don’t be. Included in your access are dozens of templates, examples, and swipes for you to learn from and use for your own offers.

Hours of video explanations around the theory of growth to help you become a better marketer

I’m teaching you to fish here, not just giving you a sole cod fillet.

You’ll understand WHY this works so you can become a better marketer.

Access to a growing community of serious growth marketers

Get help, support, and insight from a community of peers also looking at growing their business.

Even if you only use one or two of these Community features, you’re almost guaranteed to grow a more successful business and get a positive ROI.

Sign up now to get the expert help and support you need to get better business results.

Regular Retail Price – $497

Today’s price = $7